While the soccer World Cup is being played in France

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  在这部高山上的世界杯喜剧/运动片中,1998年,法国世界杯如火如荼,点燃全世界的热情,甚至连偏居世界一隅的寺院也感受到了这阵波动。印度某个青山绿水的幽静所在,法鼓法螺,梵呗齐吟,华严庄重的大殿内,童心未泯的小喇嘛Orgyen(Jamyang Lodro 饰)更加关心各种新鲜有趣的事物,而充满激情的世界杯无疑引起了他最大的兴趣。他搜集各种与之相关的信息,并在袍子内穿上钟爱球队的队服,间或和同伴逃下山观看比赛,狂热劲头与凡俗众生无异。与此同时,少年尼玛(Pema Tshundup 饰)和舅舅流亡于此,削法为僧。他们见证着Orgyen为将世界杯转播带入寺院而作的努力,有道是“佛法在世间,不离世间觉。”修行者最生动的身姿,定格在1998年的那个瞬间……


  While the soccer World Cup is being played in France, two young Tibetan refugees arrive at a monastery/boarding school in exile in India. Its atmosphere of serene contemplation is somewhat disrupted by soccer fever, the chief instigator being a young student, the soccer enthusiast Orgyen. Prevented by various circumstances from seeing the Cup finals on television in a nearby village, Orgyen sets out to organize the rental of a TV set for the monastery. The enterprise becomes a test of solidarity, resourcefulness and friendship for the students, while the Lama, head of the monastery, contemplates the challenges of teaching the word of Buddha in a rapidly changing world.


While the soccer World Cup is being played in France

While the soccer World Cup is being played in France